This is a Carolina Chickadee
This is a male Cardinal , but note where it is looking. It is looking to the feeder that my neighbor has that got all this started. I still haven't had many Cardinals on my porch to this point.
This is the female Cardinal she too is looking to fly up to my neighbor for some dinner.
This is a great shot of my Downy Woodpecker hanging on my suet feeder. I think there are about 4 to 6 different Downy Woodpeckers who frequent my feeders.
Here is another type of feeder I have and when I first hung it I was a little skeptical, because it is a mesh bag full of grass seed. Within a couple weeks it was attracting birds and now they frenzy around it at times.
The female House Finch at this time of year is almost always on my porch. The plants you see in the picture around her are my tomato plants.
This is the male House Finch some days there will be 3 or 4 just hanging on the socks, or on my dish feeder eating sunflower seeds.
This is my favorite visitor, it is a Tufted Titmouse. They have a blue gray tint to them and the belly looks cream color. My favorite part is the crest, lots of birds have them but these guys wear them well.
I have just bought a hummingbird feeder and there have been sightings of them already, so keep checking to see if I can snap a shot of one. There are also times when some of these birds I've shown you make such a mess on my porch that I get 3 or 4 Mourning Doves land here and clean up some of the mess. Some other birds I've had visit the porch are; Red Bellied Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, American Robin, and now what I think was the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.
I will do another bird post in a couple months when the weather changes because that seems to change the types of birds we see around here. The only reason you'd see something sooner on the bird front is if I somehow snap a shot of the hummingbird. Well as a science teacher told be once 'always keep your eye open to nature and you may just see something amazing.' I never thought to keep my eyes open to nature in a city, but look at all the nature I've got on my porch.
I'm loving the feeders!!! We actually might get a few for hummingbirds here. They like my petunias and we live in the woods. I might take a page from your book. :)