Thursday, September 9, 2010


  This morning I when I got out of bed I had an uncontrollable urge to crawl back into bed and sleep.  I just could not put my finger on it, but I had a feeling today was going to be a long day.  It was a long day at work from the start, everyone was just too much for me.  Then around 11 Sarah texted with some upsetting news, and that was it I was bound for a bad one.  When work ended I decided I should maybe do some cleaning around the apartment then tie some flies.  

Fly tying calms me most of the time, plus my boxes have been missing some key flies lately.  So tonight has been a BWO night.  BWO stands for Blue Winged Olive.  The recipe for a BWO is simple, and tonight I decided to tie a parachute version of it.  For those of  you who aren't fly fishers a parachute is the usually colorful puff that sticks up from the body.  

I need smallish flies tonight so I went with a size 18

First thing I do is tie in a parachute then a tail.  The parachute material is the fibers from a calf tail, and the tail of the fly is made by pulling some fibers from a gray(sometimes called blue) piece of hackle.

Then make a body by wrapping olive colored dubbing from the tail to the start of the parachute.  

Now tie in a piece of hackle and wrap it down on the parachute.  Tie it off and in the box it goes.

These flies are very common I used them in PA, and here in GA they are just as common.  I hope that these are the trick this weekend.  I'm looking forward to trout fishing all weekend.  I hope to catch some fish so I can post some good pictures and have some great stories to go with them.  Needless to say my mood is much better I had the tv off and the radio on.  I have just been thinking about how many fish I have pulled from some amazing waters with this very fly.  


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