Sarah recently told me I'm not a good blogger.
Well she's right - I'd rather be out on my adventures then writing about them. To add to my issues as a blogger, I don't have a computer I can relay on. This means I have to type my posts on my iPhone and that, my friends, is time consuming and annoying. Add 40 hours at bass pro and driving back and forth and I'm left splitting the rest of my time with my beautiful wife, house work and fishing. Some would say, "blog at night" and that's a great idea but around here you can striper fish at night.
To add to my lack of blogging, I've been largemouth fishing with some friends almost every Friday night. This group has re-ignited some of the fire I had for spin fishing, but has also oddly enough been my inspiration to learn bait casting. I gave up on bait casting years ago after making backlashes that could have been homes for squirrels. Now that it's mid June the bait caster and the fly rod are the only two rods I need on a bass pond.
My spring was full of trips to the trout stream. Before work, after work, morning, noon, evenings, trout fishing even happened during social hour of church one day(might have been a bad idea). There was a addition to my trout fishing set up this year. I put new line on my old Orvid Battenkill and retired my old Orvis Clear water and bought a TFO Finesse (I'll try to review the line and the rod at some point).
The last two last two thing that have consumed me lately have been my new kayak, and surf fishing for striped bass! That's right we bought two kayaks in April and I have used mine at least once a week ever since! Sarah, being the great wife she is, said it only made sense that I buy one already set up for fishing. These kayaks are a lot of fun, not only to fish from but it's also nice to just bob along in sometimes too.

Stripers - I thought I wouldn't fall to them this fast, but I did. It's a sickness it really is. I caught fish with Skinny Water Charters captain Jim Barr on cinder worm flies. Then started fishing with a coworker using both surf gear and fly rod. With my coworker Marc we mainly night fish. We have fished both rivers and beaches. We have used plugs, flies, and live bait and have had success with all three. A couple of all nighters getting skunked and a couple nights chasing the wrong tide, paid off two weeks ago when we caught close to twenty fish. They were not monsters and we had a blast. Never having eaten striper I took two home to grill, but probably left 8 keeper sized fish go. Most of the time he and I catch and release but just like with trout I will keep a fish every now and then especially if it isnt going to live. Needless to say I'm hooked on striper fishing now and really hope to get into them again soon.

I've thought about shutting my blog down lately but I think I just need to focus and force myself to write. Maybe I'll get my lovely wife to guest post soon. I think that will inspire me to write. Speaking of inspiration, Sarah caught her first fish ever the other night. Dropped the bait to the bottom felt the strike, set the hook and reeled it in all on her own! This is very exciting folks, very exciting.
Till next post